How to add an opening for a cat to a baby gate

Written by Chris on
How to add an opening for a cat to a baby gate

With two young kids, it's important that we have a baby gates on our stairs. We also have a cat and he's getting older. Multiple times a day, he will jump over those gates, but it's starting to become a challenge for him. Here's how to modify a baby gate to allow a cat to pass through.

Tools Used

Tools Used


Making the cut

First, remove the gate. This was actually the hardest and most time consuming part for me. We use the Summer Extra Tall Baby Gate and they are very sturdy.

Once you have the gate removed, lay it down on a flat surface. Identify which rod you would like to cut from the gate. I chose one that wasn’t an end piece, but next to the end. I worried that cutting an end piece would have weakened the structural integrity of the gate.

Next, use the oscillating tool to cut a line at the end of the rod. I used the “Bi-metal” blade that came with the oscillating tool and it worked fine. There may be a little smoke and a few sparks as you cut through. I suggest wearing safety goggles and doing this in a well-ventilated area.


Filing the metal

After the cut is complete, it’s important that you file down the metal so that there are no sharp edges that your kids can grab onto. I used a metal file and moved it back and forth over the cut points. Move the file around and make sure you are rubbing from different angles. Run your finger over the spot on the gate to make sure nothing is sharp.


Filing the metal

Now re-mount the gate. A pretty simple job, but a huge quality of life improvement for our cat. The opening is not small enough that our kids can fit their heads in and they also haven’t noticed that anything has changed.

Try it yourself!


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